Monday, April 27, 2009
i wish i could do this
Friday, April 24, 2009
all i have to say
this is all I have to say. julie and i were there for probably the best and most intense game i have ever seen. i am having a hard time hearing and talking today it was so crazy in there. to the naysayers….face! kobe was 5-24. I LOVE IT.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
to all the naysayers.

Deron Williams is incredible. I like what Jeff Van Gundy said during the game today...something to the effect of..."if I lived within a four hour radius of Salt Lake I would have season tickets, just to see this guy everyday, Deron Williams in phenomenal."
Deron goes out and gets it done. He isn't cocky and full of himself like every other star in the league. He doesn't have "Chosen One" tattooed on his back like LeBron, or a kings crown on his arm like Kobe. He doesn't make faces that make you want to beat the crap out of him after he makes a great play. He just gets it done. He makes everyone around him better. His passing is only surpassed by John Stockton. And when he needs to...he can take a game over and throw down over 2 seven footers like he does in this clip. Click on the HD button on the bottom right so you can really see it.
what the snow?
Utah is really weird. I'm a native of this place and I still don't understand the weather here. It was 70 one day, freezing cold and 8 inches of snow the next morning, then like 55 by that evening and all the snow was gone. Today it was 70. I just feel bad for all the trees that had their branches ripped off because of the weight of the snow. photo one: on my way to work photo two: on my way home. (taken at the same spot if you couldn't figure that one out)
tax day shellacking - photos compliments of the iphone
This is weird. This is our last Sunday in Provo. We're moving on Saturday. Fun times ahead. Lots of adventures to be had. Lots of things to See.
Monday, April 06, 2009
i make surprise.
julie and i went out to dinner for her birthday, same place we went on our first date. we came home and boy oh boy did she get surprised. i had talked to a few of julie best friends and old roommates and they were all there for a great surprise when we got home. they had the place all decked out and did much better than i could have. i opened the door and even though i knew they were going to be there, it scared me half to i can only imagine how much it surprised julie. they had some cake and pie (julie is a pie person) waiting and we had a great night.
julie has some pretty awesome friends. happy birthday again julie!