Thursday, May 03, 2012

4年 (4 years)

Yesterday marked four years since Julie and I got married. That went by fast. We’ve had some amazing adventures already – and we’ve just bared scratched the surface. Julie is celebrating our anniversary by going to Hawaii without me….mean huh? Really though, she is somewhere over the pacific ocean about now on her way to paradise to meet up with her mom, sister, and sister-in law (a trip they’ve been planning for years). Julie just finished working four night shifts in a row at the hospital – so I think she is very deserving of catching up on her sleep on a beach in Hawaii. 
Julie worked the night shift the day before yesterday and I had to leave for meetings first thing in the morning yesterday (our anniversary). Before my meetings were over, Julie had to take off to catch her flight. So we had all of 15 minutes together on our anniversary. Nice huh? We had just enough time to watch this little thing I made for Julie highlighting the fun we had over the last year. Don’t feel obligated to watch – I just want to have this on here for record’s sake, and so that Julie can watch it in Hawaii and feel bad for me as I am not in there with her.
Marriage is an amazing thing. I learn so much for Julie every day. We have grown together in so many ways through the ups and downs. I am glad Julie said yes.

update: youtube blocked this video on some computers, so if it won't work on blogger. if you want to see it, it works on youtube via this link


1 comment:

Jonah and Aja said...

I just got dissed because this says I can't watch the video because of copyright grounds. I wish I could say something witty about how that is related to being married for four years or something, but I can't think of anything.