We had a beauty trip up to Boston, NH, and Maine on our way out of the East Coast. That place is so beautiful. We had a fun day in Boston and had dinner with Saydi and Jeff and co and walked the freedom trail. It is pretty cool how much history is in that city. We then drove up to New Hampshire and Maine and spent a couple of days there (went back to Boston in between as we were a bit late on booking the overpriced B&Bs. So Saydi was nice enough to let us stay in her B&B aka Cappy Cap while she was camping with her fam. I found myself taking pictures left and right. That place is about as picturesque as it gets. A church on every corner, beatiful beaches with dune grass and white sand, the beginnings of fall (colors) and boats.
His head fell off.
Quite the fire escape system.
Can you see the reflection? There were a lot of cool pics, so I decided to do a couple slide shows. The first is Boston and NH and second is Maine. We are back in Utah now. Adjusting would be a good way to describe it. It is going to be a fun year though. Julie had a great first week of school, and we are now in the process of deciding just where to live... the next post will probably be about that. But for now, enjoy these pics below. Sox are going to win the AL East...mark my words.